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Thursday, April 24

Five on Friday

I've been slacking when it comes to blogging. I guess I used up all my material on Monday. Oh well. I decided I'd share five things or highlights from this week along with a few iphone photos of the week.
Hope you enjoy!

 This is Nora being the cutest baby ever. With her head wrap on from Mint and Arrows Etsy shop.

1// I signed up for a 5K in town. I guess if I pay $15, it will motivate me to show up on the day of the race. I hope I don't look too much like a fool out there. I have never actually ran any race other than a half marathon. Go big or go home right? Ha! This is just part of my recent goal of being more active and hopefully working back up to half marathon status. My brother wants me to do a whole with him... the verdict is still out on that one. We shall see.

Pre-bath smiles. (Excuse my hair and the grainy picture. Oh and the worlds ugliest light fixture. Hopefully one day we will be homeowners and pick out our own light fixtures, but for now rentals it is. Rant over.)

2// Nora has two new teeth coming in up top. Its funny because I hadn't noticed her teething until I saw the teeth and now she has been more fussy than usual. Is it me or her? I just know that I can't leave her 3 foot perimeter with out her screaming bloody murder. And yes, if you're thinking that could make bathroom breaks, cleaning, and eating a challenge then you would be right.

At the end of our hike on Wednesday. Nora fell asleep.

3// I am not sure if this is good or bad, but the one thing this town does right is soft serve ice cream. It's dangerous. They have these things called Dairy Bars. (Don't worry. I hadn't heard of it either). It's like a local dairy queen and it is so good. They even will dip your cone! In Chocolate!

Nora and her big mess right after eating an Ella's kitchen ginger cookie.

4// We used disposable diapers on our trip back home for Easter, and I must admit it was so nice to just toss the messy diaper. Monday morning I was standing at the changing table reminding myself why I use cloth diapers. I put the diaper on and took her downstairs to her exer-saucer and that is where she began work on her super big poop. (Sorry, I guess I should have warned you not to read this post or maybe even my blog while eating or too soon after dinner.) Yes I had a moment where I really wished I had just put one more disposable on. But we made it through. And that is a story that everyone was dying to hear. Welcome to motherhood.

Play-time smiles.

5// I want to give a special shout out to my best friends and daily encouragers: my mom and Hailey. Even though they are both over 6 hours away, I talk to them daily and they keep me upbeat, encouraged, and help me put life in perspective. I look up to both of them and am so thankful that I have them to talk to everyday. My mom is always so encouraging and I consider it special to call her my best friend. Not everyone can do that you know. And Hailey is an amazing mom to twin boys. I don't know how she does it! She encourages me to be a better mom to Nora. It's so wonderful to be able to share our mommy joys and challenges with each other and laugh at the good and the bad.

Yes. This is my husband. No Words. Except for the fact that this is the "fun" we resort to these days.

Oh and if you are new here PLEASE PLEASE SAY HI!!! 


  1. Dairy Bar?! That sounds amazing. Haha

    Miss you so much. You are doing one heck of a job being a mama!!

  2. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! Have a great weekend!!


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