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Friday, January 13

Fresh Starts

Most weeks are just like the ones prior, but with the start of a new (our last!) college semester, it has been completely different than all the rest. We have been going to new classes, which is a completely overwhelming experience, as many may know.

I sit down in my first class, and the professor reviews the syllabus and reads off the workload/schedule for the next 4 months. All of the sudden the blood begins to rush out of your face and you realize that your social life has now officially come to an end. When you have gathered up enough strength to get up out of your seat, it is then time to go to the next class only to experience the same thing all over again.

In all seriousness though, I am very thankful for the opportunity to gain a college education.

In addition to starting back to a new semester, I have been trying to focus on eating more all natural and fresh foods, and getting at least 4 runs in each week. Last Sunday I went to the grocery and loaded up on fresh fruits and vegetables. When I got home I took the vegetables and washed them and prepped them to be ready to go in a salad. This was the best idea yet. I think I ate about 5 salads this week, all which were quite delish!

I also got my hubby to start running with me and in total I ran 14 miles this week! It is a wonderful feeling to get out any frustration while running, and build up good endorphines for happy attitudes!

While budgeting is always a must, I think that we did an excellent job this week in our food and eating out category. On thursday night we were very tempted to eat out due to busy schedules, but instead we used what we had in the refrigerator and had breakfast for dinner (always a win!)

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