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Monday, June 16

Father's Day Celebration #1

We're celebrating Father's Day in two parts, this past weekend and this coming weekend. Since Nora and I have been visiting family for a few weeks we couldn't make it back home to be with with Ryan for his first Father's Day, which was sad, but we promised to have our belated celebration next weekend. We did how ever celebrate my Dad, and his first Father's Day as a grandpa.

I think girls have a different and special kind of love for their daddies. One that makes our view of them, when we are kids, taller, stronger, smarter, and just better than any other dad out there. And while I now realize that my dad is only 5'11'', I still don't think there is a better dad out there. He is also the best Grandpa to Nora. It is really fun to see her start to love him and laugh at his silly jokes and games. I also have to say that he is one heck of a father-in-law to Ryan, which really make me happy.

Dads teach us so many things in life like hard work, how to fix broken things, how to mow the grass, what is a weed and what is a good plant (sorry about that time Zach and I spent 3 hours pulling up those flowers...), how to build sand castles, what to look for in a future husband, how to pump your gas, why we should manage our money wisely, and so much more. Dads make our boys stronger and our girls softer. I am so thankful for all my dad has taught me and continues to teach me.
Love you Dad!

Nora gave her first big sloppy kiss to PaPaw! It was too cute!

  More to come on Ryan's Father's Day later....

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so sweet!! Your dad really is such a great man!!


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